Green Onion Savory Wool Roll Bread 香蔥毛線球麵包


Trendy wool roll bread recipe with a twist with savory flavor and tangzhong method. Soft and fluffy pull-apart bread with green onion fillings!
Trendy wool roll bread, a savory version with green onion inside!

Savory Wool Roll Bread Recipe, 香蔥毛線球麵包, Soft Tangzhong method

芝士毛线球面包|Cheese Wool Roll Bread, Inspired By Apron's Wool Roll Bread Recipe

Savory Wool Roll Bread Recipe, 香蔥毛線球麵包, Soft Tangzhong method

Triple Chocolate Wool Roll Bread 三重巧克力毛線球麵包

毛线球面包, 外型漂亮, 内部细腻, Wool Roll Bread

Aunty Young(安迪漾): 香兰椰丝绒线球面包(Pandan Wool Roll Bread with Grated coconut)

Walnut Chocolate Banana Muffins 核桃朱古力香蕉鬆餅

98.【毛线球面包】Wool Roll Bread 简单易上手,奶香浓郁松软香甜,视觉和味觉的享受

Green Onion Savory Wool Roll Bread 香蔥毛線球麵包

Wool Roll Bread 毛线球面包– Ruyi Asian Recipes

Green Onion Savory Wool Roll Bread 香蔥毛線球麵包

Bread Rolls with green onion and meat floss Easy recipe! Soft and tasty! No cracking!

Maple Layered Pull-Apart Bread 楓糖千層手撕麵包

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