LOOK: Miss Universe Cameroon wears evening gown by Filipino designer Benj Leguiab


Angele Kossinda appears in the Miss Universe 2020 preliminaries in a silver gown by Benj Leguiab


Pia Wurtzbach and Catriona Gray featured in the first Miss Universe NFT collection

LOOK: Cameroon candidate wears Filipino-designed Miss Universe national costume

Best (and worst) of Miss Universe 2020

69th Miss Universe Cameroon Evening Gown!

All the Miss Universe 2020 Candidates Who Wore Gowns and Costumes by Filipino Designers - When In Manila

These Filipino Fashion Designers Created For International Pageants

The Times When The Flag Was Raised During The 69th Miss Universe


Evening Gown Miss Universe 2020 Preliminary Competition, 55% OFF

Miss Philippines Earth 2021: The Long Gown Prejudging




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